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How To Add Custom Sounds To Weakauras \/\/FREE\\\\

I've taken the sounds from the Hereos of Newerth game. It's free to play online game, so you can download it, unpack its game files with WinRAR and then use the boatload of high quality sound effects of all sorts.

how to add custom sounds to weakauras

I installed these sounds using WeakAuras and I'm enjoying them. I don't care for the new muted gun sounds, sounds more like a popgun to me. I'm new to huntering so I haven't had years to get tired of gun sounds. If they get too much for me, I'll either remove them or I'll lower the audio level of the sound files.

I installed these sounds using WeakAuras and I'm enjoying them. I don't care for the new muted gun sounds, sounds more like a popgun to me. I'm new to huntering so I haven't had years to get tired of gun sounds.

I put the sound in tell me when sound's folder ( C:\Games\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\TellMeWhen\Sounds ) and on TMW i wrote the path (C:\Games\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\TellMeWhen\Sounds\bloodlust.ogg) in the custom sound box but i can't hear any sound when bl is up or when i click on the speaker's icon. i tryed to reboot wow but it still doesn't work.

On the Aimed shot sounds, I can get the pull-back to work when I start to cast it but I cannot work out how to get the main bang when it successfully casts :S How do I set it so start the sound after the cast please? :p

On the Aimed shot sounds, I can get the pull-back to work when I start to cast it but I cannot work out how to get the main bang when it successfully casts :S How do I set it so start the sound after the cast please?

That sounds really awesome, shame i'm not that computer friendly to be able to get all these custom sounds and set it all up, but i'll give it ago anyway, gotta learn somehow eh! I do like the sound of that icetrap one, making that now! :)

This addon is made to give you over 600 custom sounds, most notably commonly used raiding phrases such as "immunity soak 1" or "go to purple" or "spread" "stack", the list is too long to bore you with. It has custom sounds for all abilities with more than a 30 second CD as well.This means that your favorite Text To Speech (TTS) Ryan can say things for you such as "Pain Suppression Tank" as an audible instead of just a text on a weakaura. Never miss an assignment again by pairing these Text To Speech (TTS) recorded sounds with the "simplecombattimer with alerts" weakaura as well as setting audible reminders for basic icon packs for dungeons etc. Install simply by extracting it to your addons folder. You can then use direct filepaths in weakauras to call these sound files or sharedmedia to add them to the drop down list of any addon that utilized sound files (i.e BW/DBM/WA)

WeakAuras is a powerful and flexible framework that allows the display of highly customizable graphics on World of Warcraft's user interface to indicate buffs, debuffs, and other relevant information.

WeakAuras_StopMotion: This addon adds a new region type to WeakAuras that allows for stop motion animations. Stop Motion textures contain each frame of the animation as a separate image. The addon ships with a number of animations and it supports custom textures.

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